Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Human workflow migration In Oracle BPM 11g

      Moving Human workflow data from Test environment to Production environment
To move Oracle Business Process Management to the new production environment, you move Oracle Business Process Management user metadata, such as organizations and dashboards, from the test environment to the production environment, using the migration tool. The migration tool is available as an ant target that can be executed in the command line. It calls a configuration file that you create specifying the input parameters for the migration of data.

For Organizations, the following objects are moved to the production environment: Organizational Units, Roles, Calendars, Organization Role, and Extended User Properties.
Follow these steps to Export Human Workflow data to XML file
1.       Ensure that Path environment variables contain JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environment variables and that they point to the locations within the Oracle SOA suite installation.
2.       Create a configuration file to export Organizations. The following shows a sample configuration file that exports organizations.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<testToProductionMigrationConfiguration xmlns=""
<xmlns:ns2="" override="true" skip="true">
Ø  In configuration file you need to specify the values for the test environment in the following elements

                    Migration file: This element specifies the file that was generated by the export operation
                    Server URL: SOA server URL
                    Adminuser Login
                    AdminUser Password
                    Object details: update the login and password elements

3.       Export organizations using the following command

       ant -f ant-t2p-workspace.xml
     -Dbpm.admin.password=Admin password

After running this command bpm_organization.xml file will be generated in the path mentioned in configuration file.

With this step Exporting was completed, next we need to import it in production environment.
Follow these steps to Import Human Workflow data from  XML file
1.       For importing organization create a configuration file to import organization

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<testToProductionMigrationConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" override="true" skip="true">
Ø  In the configuration file you must update the following elements with the values for the production environment.
                    Migration file: This element specifies the file that was generated by the export operation.
                    Server URL: SOA server URL.
                    Adminuser Login
                    AdminUser Password
                    Object details: update the login and password elements.

2.       Import organizations using the following command
                      ant -f ant-t2p-workspace.xml
                                        -Dbpm.admin.password=Admin password  
That’s it. Open the BPM workspace and check whether the data is imported or not.